Parnassius bremeri

Parnassius bremeri
A male specimen from the Caucasus, 4000m
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Papilionidae
Genus: Parnassius
Species: P. bremeri
Binomial name
Parnassius bremeri
Bremer, 1864

Parnassius bremeri is a high altitude butterfly which is found in Russia, Korea and China . It is a member of the Snow Apollo genus Parnassius of the Swallowtail (Papilionidae) family. Over its vast range (Transbaikal, the Amur and Ussuri regions and the Kuriles), the species varies widely in morphology and many subspecies have been described. P. bremeri is found in open landscapes on forest-steppe, as well as slopes with woodlands up to the alpine zone (1,500 m.).The flight period is May-June. Known host plants are : Sedum clizoorl, S. ussuriensis, S. ishida and Orostachys malacophylla.


Similar to Parnassius phoebus but smaller and with wing veins almost indistinct against the ground color, Hindwing with a red basal spot.